Greys for a Graphic Novel

Back in March of 2021, a friend of mine, Sam Noir, asked if I’d be available to help out a mutual friend, Matthew Tavares, on a graphic novel. Sam was lettering it and Matt had his hands full with the pencilling and inking. A lot of the colouring was still outstanding so I offered to help out where I could between my own client work.

The colouring, as it turns out, was all in greyscale but I figured it would be a great workout nonetheless, maybe moreso than if it were full colour. Matt sent some of his completed pages as a guide. In a case like this, I think can be useful to mimic someone’s style, for learning and as a production skill.

In the end, I completed the colouring of 65 pages. Of course, the curse of continual learning is looking back on something past and seeing things you would change. Still, it felt good to have contributed to this.

Below are some of the pages I was most proud of.

Check it out if you get a chance. Matt did a great job with the visuals! The book is also getting some great reviews: Buster, A Life in Pictures written by Ryan Barnett.