Toronto Cartoonists Workshop: Comics Lab - Cerebus 'Low Society' project

In mid-January, I joined up with other freelance artists and writers to create a comic anthology based on the established characters from Dave Sim’s Cerebus under the guidance and tutelage of series editor Rob Walton at the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop (TCW). I hadn't read the series before joining the project but upon mentioning it to the hubby I found out that we actually had the entire collection of Cerebus 'phone books' in our basement.  What luck!  I greedily devoured the first two phone books.  They were hilarious! Why hadn't I heard of this gruff-but-lovable Cerebus character and his motley gang of friends?

I got to pencil, ink and tone a short story written by Sam Noir and was fortunate to have an old pro like Ron Kasman beautifully letter our pages.  Unfortunately, I can't show any of my artwork—yet—but I was happy to hear that it has been picked up for distribution by Diamond and will be out in North American comic stores sometime in September. Yay!  This is a big deal for me because it's the first comic I've ever worked on and it will also be my first published work.

In the meantime, below is a small snapshot of the beautifully-finished cover collaboration with Gerhard, Dave Sim and the artists on the project.  My contribution is the little Cerebus running with the money bags.  You can see the full glorious cover page at Gerhard's blog.

I am happy that I got a chance to work on this and team up with such a talented group of people.  It's been a wonderful learning experience.  Thanks to Dave and Rob, and everyone who made this happen.