The Monster Artist News

I'm back with some stuff to show - Yay!  

Between the last post and this, I've finished working on Oliver Ho's story, the Monster Artist, and I'm excited to share that it will now be part of Volume 2 of the Toronto Comics Anthology.  

To check out some of the other amazing artwork and stories being included in the book, follow the project on Twitter at @torontocomix and find out how you can get your copy.  They will also be selling it and and other goodies at table A320 at the Toronto March ComiCon from March 20 - 22nd so don't be shy and come on a by and say hi.

Below are one of the completed pages, some of the revised character designs and one of the rough pages. It's been a very busy few months but it has been a lot of fun and it gave me a chance to learn more of Manga Studio. 

UPDATE: It turns out that Volume 1 will be available but only a sneak peak of Volume 2 will be on hand. Although, there is a Kickstarter now where you can pledge for Volume 2 or both!