Something to Crow About

This project was for a Schoolism class I took called Starting Your Journey with Cody Gramstad. Our final assignment was to create three images to tell a story using what we learned throughout the course. 

I was hesitant to take the class at first, thinking much of the subject matter had been covered in others I'd taken. I'm glad I took this though because it filled some gaps in my knowledge. For example, I already use adjustment layers but never thought to use them to change up time of day in my scenes. I'm very much looking forward to creating images using this process as a guide. 

A young wizard’s studies are, yet again, interrupted by heckling outside his home.

After months of enduring this, he finally has had enough. Time to put his studies to use.

The wizard sends a murder of crows to "encourage" the offenders to leave. 😄

Some lighting comps to test which time of day worked best to match my story's intent. In this case, I chose a noon scene to enhance the uncomfortable feeling I wanted to convey. 

Wizard dog character turn-around.

While this wasn't necessary for the assignment, I created this turn-around for my main character just to practice.

Different colour compositions using colour harmony for one of the images. I did this for each one.

Some of my thumbnails. Thanks for reading!