Focused areas of study

A while back, I completed a certificate in Animation at  Sheridan College and afterwards noticed a definite improvement in my art. It was an enlightening experience for me and I would recommend that if you are unable to go to school full-time, that part-time studies can be quite valuable in terms of focused assignments and instructive feedback. One of the things that became abundantly clear to me is that I needed to concentrate more on the following areas:

  1. Anatomy
  2. Lighting
  3. Perspective

As part of my journey, I will be doing self-studies in these areas and I will post some here.  On that note, attached is a recent drawing I did of a female pubic bone referenced from a photograph.  Lighting on the photograph was difficult to discern in some areas and that prompted me to look into getting a skeletal model but due to of a lack of space at home, I elected to instead get a good quality skull and I'll no doubt follow that by buying a pubic bone later.